Code Of Conduct

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(1.) Every student must behave decently and politely with their prinicipal,Teachers, Workers, and the classmates.

(2.) Every student must pay attention towards study within the arrangement provided by college and will also have to cooperate in the extra curriculur activities approved/conducted by College.

(3.) Students must show interest in managing peace, security and cleanliness of the college building, library, laboratory, hostel etc. Students will not cause harm to college property, decoration, electricity management, components etc in any case.

(4.) Students will not follow the path of violence and illegal activities in any situation.

(5.) There is ban on any kind of political activitiy within the College premises.

(6.) If students face any kind of difficulty, they should report to faculty members silently and in a completely disciplined manner. In case of emergency they can communicate with management also. They should acknowledge the teachers appointed by College or parents/guardiansRather than getting in touch with media persons or any other outsiders without the permission of college.

(7.) Students should take care that they will not involve in any kind of illegal offence otherwise college will take strict action against them.

(8.) Strong disciplinary action will be taken against the student who use unlawful devices, or try to use, or making help in doing so in examinations. 

(9.) There is ban on smoking or drinking alcohol or alcoholic products or any other kind of intoxication products within the college and hostel premises